Strava is the heart of our runs, rides and swims. It records detail and metrics of our activity recording everything from time of day, heart rate, pace and elevation. Most often this data is coming from a GPS watch strapped to your wrist or if you're really hooked on the data, a chest or arm strap will give you everything you need and more.
Guys: If using a chest strap, make sure everyone can see it by running shirtless and Girls: crop tops. This way everyone will think you're an elite runner and will give you right of way on the path and trails.
If you haven't loaded strava, you best get over there and connect your watch asap. Then follow our top tips below to make your mark on the most widely used training app across the planet.

Top Tips to impress your mates, gain mad respect and pick up a sponsor or three.
Instead of using the lap button to track your intervals, use the start/stop button so you don't record your recovery. This way your average pace will look a lot faster.
For fast time trials and impressive times, be sure to hide your heart rate data so nobody can see you were redlining and about to have a cardiac arrest. Then tag the run as 'easy run'.
For shorter shuttle runs, stand at one end of the park and hook your watch on the collar of your dog then hit a tennis ball repeatedly for 30-40 minutes to the other side of the park and mention 'Coach wants quick transition strength based intervals' Border Collies and Blue Heelers are good breeds for this.
If you're too slow on a bicycle to take run segment course records, by an ebike.
If you're travelling through a new town or city, look up all the running course records in the area and take them all down on an e-bike. Then, turn up once to an elite run club in the area, introduce yourself and let everyone know you're there for an easy run. Next day, get on the plane out of there.
If you do miss out on a CR, create a new segment from a location difficult for anyone else to have access to just before it. It will be longer and harder and you're sure to hold on to it.
If you legitimately do take out a course record, make sure everyone knows you weren't trying. Write 'Accidental CR on my morning Jog'.
On a PR run in the afternoon. Mention '10km PR this afternoon after a 150min easy run this morning, nothing stopping me'.
Label all of your fast and hard runs as an easy run, recovery run then mark all of your easy runs as private until the week has passed.
Always have an excuse as to why you weren't faster. Mention 'semitendinosus hamstring playing up, keeping it at 60% RPE'. By throwing a medical name to the muscle, your guaranteed your followers will look that up and believe you.
Leave an extremely hard or long endurance run as 'morning run'.
For tough trail runs with heaps of elevation, be sure to post photos on the hardest trail you ran, along with dirt and mud on your legs and face with the comment 'a little harder than expected, nothing I can't handle'.
If you feel your pace is slowing, stop your watch and stand still to get your breath back. Resume when you're reenergised so your slow running isn't recorded.
If you wake up feeling terrible, best not to run. Start your watch as a cross train session and tag 'Active Recovery'.
When you create Strava art, simply state 'Just let my feet take me where ever they lead, how random is this!'.

Peter Stokes - Strava Art
If conditions are really bad, make sure to mention it in the title and throw in a Goggins quote.
If conditions were good, find another excuse like traffic lights, had to take phone calls, battling a head cold, neighbours dog kept me up all night ect.
Any run you do with another person be sure to tag 'Pacing a mate, taking it easy' This is especially important for hard and fast runs.
Always make sure you mention you were slowing down when running with a mate or club as well.
If your running buddy gets a PR, be sure to mention 'Great run, helped (x) get her 5km PR today'.
Keep your default shoe a plodder and non performance based. Impress your followers by running all your fast runs in them although you are wearing springs.
When you hit a PR, mention 'Forgot to bring my carbon racers, nailed it barefoot'.
If doing cross training and strength sessions at home, don't stop your watch when you're finished. Instead, cook dinner, stack the dishwasher so you record a solid 90min session. Tag the session on Strava - 'Legs and Core for technical trails'
Always track your 20 minute foam roll and meditation ritual just before bedtime. This shows how serious you take your training and health.
If your run was slow, bad or a terrible pace but you want to show good mileage for the week, wait a few days before you upload it or keep it private. No one will notice. When the next week starts, brag on the socials 'Good training week last week, hit my 110km weekly target 👊'.
Hate running hills? Run only on flat surfaces and mention 'Physio said keep running but avoid elevation for now' This keeps your average pace and weekly mileage high.
If on a treadmill for a run, put an * beside it. Treadmills don't count. It isn't real running.
Also, be sure to post a photo of a thunderstorm, hail or doomsday conditions outside and comment 'Getting it done, coach wanted good conditions for the threshold set'.
If in a race and beaten by someone who tags you on strava, be sure to comment 'Beaten by springs today, easy run barefoot' in your comments.
Always say you're in the middle of a building phase of training as you can't run flat out. Even if you have no races booked.
Never mention any of your races as an A race. Instead, mention it is a training race for a bigger event in the year.
If you do make the podium, be humble and mention, 'Out for a test on heavy legs at (x) race today, snagged a podium'.
Got any other creative strava strategies? Comment them below!
By Jamie Hunter:
The above tips are a combination of original content and also sourced from various places including social media, strava and mates.